Saturday, May 5, 2007

The ultimate goal..

This blog is a dedication to the new film of AlGore “Inconvenient truth”. The movie discusses one of the world today’s phenomena the global warming.

The global warming is a simple phrase that indicates its simple meaning. Yes, the world is getting warmer and warmer. Warm enough that the ice at the poles is melting. Warm enough that the wildlife in such areas has no place to live in anymore because simply everything is melting away.

“The world is changing” is a phrase that we might hear a lot. This time it is true. Hot places are becoming hotter and life is becoming harder and harder with its heat increasing. The tops of mountains, which we are used to see covered with ice, giving this feeling of beauty, have simply gone. All that you see are rocks and glimpse of what used to be ice. Water level is increasing and pieces of land are disappearing with time. Shores and cities which were on the shore have been “swallowed" partially by the sea or the ocean.

What would be the end.. When would be an end !? ..

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