Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Last Post..

At first, Global warming was nothing more than a term, something that we hear and think of as a big word, but we never understood the meaning of the word.

Usually when you are driving there are signs for danger along the road so you would take care; in global warming case there weren’t any signs; not any immediate ones anyway.

After starting this project our minds were amazed by the importance of the matter and how it was easily done and easily unfelt. We begun to search for information and with deeper research deeper frustration was felt for how big the problem is and how ignorant we were for not realizing that.

Although it gave us enough knowledge to know that we are the cause it also told us that we might be the solution as well. The information I picked through this project enriched my knowledge and helped me to realize the real size of the global warming issue.

Abdullah Mohammed Al Afifi..


Friday, May 25, 2007

Articles about global warming

A. Raise awareness through education
arTicle 1: By Kareem Shaheen, Gulf News

"The United Nations recently warned of the consequences of complacency in combating global warming."

B. Sarkozy cites human rights, global warming as priorities
article 2: By Khaleej Times Online >> News >> THE WORLD
"President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Wednesday that defending human rights and
action on global warming would be priorities for French diplomacy

C. Large dams behind methane emissions
article 3: By IANS, GulfNews

"a new scientific study has revealed that large dams in the country are
accountable for at least 19 per cent of India's global warming emissions,
especially methane

D. Combat global warming unitedly
article 4: Gulf News
"The planet is facing a catastrophe. If no cohesive global
action is taken to combat climate change, then about one
in seven of the global population will be forced to leave their homes by

Who is reponsible ?

Are individuals responsible for global warming? Or should government be blamed for this matter? In my opinion I really think that it’s a mutual effort where people are the foundation and governments are the upper hand that would together come up with a new solution. If people are educated about the problem and are allowed to see what are they causing or caused already, maybe their point of view would be changed then.

Governments are equally responsible for this universal issue; the smallest step would make a big change because these small steps will be applied to all the people in the country. For example Switzerland, where they have a national day for cycling and no one can use their cars. Imagine the amount of CO emissions saved in that day?

If it comes to me, I would choose to have an international organization that serves global warming with the authority over all countries so cooperation is guaranteed and results would show at least….some form of improvement.

Save the earth gentlemen, at least .. until tomorrow..

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This cup .. from that Lion..

welcome Harry Nicholas Wells.. it's a New world.. and it has just become better...with you..

I really hope that he brings happiness to your world sir ..

A dedication ^ _ ^ .. To the proud grandfather .. Mr.Hedley Butterfield..

" "


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Global Warming...In the U.A.E..

In the UAE, industries, factories and companies cause air pollution. Air pollution in the UAE is also caused from harmful gases and other substances. There is also pollution from drilling and exploration activities, as well as the transportation of waste and other building materials and from smoke channels in high-rise buildings. As a result, I see that the UAE will suffer the most because of its location, the burning of oil will also increase.

By 2021, some of the issues will start to show due to the rapid meltdown and at greenhouse gases is continue to be released. In addition, if the inhabited islands had disappear beneath rising seas I see that the UAE for sure, after three decades or less, will be in the same situation. And we have many refugees.

To conclude, I see that the environment has become number one source of business. the UAE must look at it as a very important factor and the way to save the earth and make a fortune based on

my analysis:

1. Create more efficient emissions control device for factories.
2. Market all-natural pesticides and fertilizers
3. Develop new, more effective waste disposable methods
4. Install and service solar, wind, and other alternative energy sources.

(click Here)

God's Creation ..

isn't it a shame... is it possible!!.. . . .

that we are destroying...such a beauti (w).. . .
are we that blind... doesn't feel so cold anymore..

Present Danger of Global Warming

Deaths Due to Climate Change:
A study, by scientists at the World Health Organization and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, determined that 160,000 people die every year from the effects of global warming.

Increasing Storms and Floods:
lobal warming has produced an increase in precipitation during the 20th century, mostly in the form of heavy rainstorms

Weather-Related Natural Disasters:

Killer Heat Waves:
In June, 2003, 1700 people died during a heat wave that hit India, while 35,000 Europeans died in a heat wave the following August. "High temperatures are likely to become more extreme, and because night temperatures will increase by at least as much as daytime temperatures, heat waves will become more serious," says Dr. Thomas Karl, at the National Climatic Data Centre.

Islands are endangered by Rising Seas:
· In June, 1997, Jacob Nena, president of Micronesia said some of his country's smaller atolls have been abandoned due to rising seas. In addition to rising sea levels, the highly populated atoll of Nuduoro has been victimized by floods due to increasing storm activity, a symptom of global warming.
· The Maldives environmental minister, Abdul Rasheed Hussain, said that his country's tourism industry is threatened by constant erosion of its beaches.
· Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands, where islets are in some places only as wide as the two-lane road that traverses each of them, a single wave often sprays the country from coast to coast. The cost of protecting the capital alone with a seawall would be insurmountable

Coral Bleaching:

Severe Diseases Caused by Climate Change:
. A recent study by New Zealand doctors, researchers at the Wellington School of Medicine's public health department, said outbreaks of dengue fever in South Pacific islands are directly related to global warming.

Effect on Forests: Beetles
· Alaska's Kenai Peninsula Higher temperatures on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula favour the survival rate of beetle larvae of the spruce bark beetle during the winter months, while speeding their maturing process. As a result, there are greater populations of this beetle that have destroyed about three million acres of white spruce on the peninsula, notwithstanding the spruce's naturally occurring insecticide found in their resin. Kenneth Raffa, an entomologist who has studied the problem, says that the spruce's defences are ineffective against the onslaught of large populations of these beetles.
· British Columbia Infestation VANCOUVER, British Columbia - An epidemic of tree-killing beetles is spreading rapidly through the forests in Canada's largest lumber exporting province, with the deadly insects now found in an area nearly three-quarters the size of Sweden, officials said.
· San Bernardino National Forest As of 2003 the conifers of the San Bernardino National Forest have spent the last four years struggling with drought. During that time the beetle population has grown in numbers, bolstered by drought-weakened trees, their ever-expanding food supply. In October, 2002 about 66,000 of the San Bernardino National Forest’s 652,000 acres was hit by the bark beetle. Today that trend stands at 354,000 acres of dead trees and still increasing.

Threat to Animals:
Caribou-Warmer temperatures and more snow, as a result of more moisture in the atmosphere, are the reasons for the steep decline in caribou numbers in the Canadian Arctic
Moose- Back in January, 1999, 100 Alaskan moose faced starvation because of heavy snowfall in their winter feeding area. The threatened animals were searching for food, belly-deep in snow. The heavy snow, the same as the plight of the caribou, was the result of global warming putting more moisture into the atmosphere.
Gray Wolf and Woodland Buffalo- forest ecosystems in Canada, Alaska and northern Russia are vulnerable to global warming. The species inhabiting these regions - such as the gray wolf and woodland buffalo - may not be able to migrate fast enough to cooler climates to escape the effects of increasing temperatures.
Polar Bear-Temperatures in the Antarctic and Arctic have increased significantly to the point that sea ice has diminished in both regions. In the Arctic this has meant a decreased habitat for the polar bear. Also melting sea ice is leaving greater and greater distances for polar bears to travel in their hunts for food.
Whales-Blue Whale - (Antarctica) Melting polar ice is threatening the main food source for Antarctic blue whales and could lead to their extinction. The whales feed on small sea creatures known as krill, which in turn eat microscopic marine algae. The algae live in sea ice and are released in the summer when the ice melts. Studies had shown that as the temperature has increased in recent decades because of climate change, sea ice had diminished rapidly and food supplies for blue whales were getting scarce. "If this decline continues, it will seriously affect the entire ecosystem and could lead to the extinction of the Antarctic blue whale

Coastal Flooding:
· Global warming is melting ice to the tune of 50 billion tons of water a year from the Greenland ice sheet. A NASA high-tech aerial survey shows that more than 11 cubic miles of ice is disappearing from the ice sheet annually. This is increasing the likelihood of coastal flooding around the world, if this meltdown trend continues.
· The rising sea level has led to salt water encroachment producing the "Ghost forests" of South Florida and Louisiana. Since about 1970, the invading salt water has killed hundreds of acres of southern bald cypress trees in Louisiana coastal parishes and sabal palm in Florida

Wildfires Increasing:
The forests of Canada, Alaska and the former Soviet Union including Siberia are apparently burning like never before, The likely reason: Global warming is drying out northern timber and brush. As a result, lightning bolts spark infernos of colossal extent.

Warming Ocean Waters Kills Plankton - Bottom of Food Chain:
Warming ocean waters off the Seychelles (600 miles NE of Madagascar) are killing extensive areas of plankton. The dead plankton is depleting the surrounding waters of oxygen, harming ocean life nearby. Fish and sea cucumbers are expected to be the first casualties.

Australia may be facing a permanent drought:
Because of an accelerating vortex of winds whipping around the Antarctic, Australia is experiencing a phenomenon that threatens to disrupt rainfall. Spinning faster and tighter, the 100 mile an hour jet stream is pulling climate bands south and dragging rain from Australia into the Southern Ocean. Scientists attribute the phenomenon to global warming and loss of the ozone layer over Antarctica.


Friday, May 11, 2007

The Green House Effect

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.

Have you ever seen a greenhouse? Most greenhouses look like a small glass house. Greenhouses are used to grow plants, especially in the winter. Greenhouses work by trapping heat from the sun. The glass panels of the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping. This causes the greenhouse to heat up, much like the inside of a car parked in sunlight, and keeps the plants warm enough to live in the winter.

The Earth’s atmosphere is all around us. It is the air that we breathe. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere behave much like the glass panes in a greenhouse. Sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases. As it reaches the Earth's surface, land, water, and biosphere absorb the sunlight’s energy. Once absorbed, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing our world to heat up.

The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.

"for better understanding of the idea..i brought a simple presention
about The greenhouse effect
: "


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Hurricane... PeopLe.. Life is Calling!!..

It's coming.. Be aware ..

Nothing Can stop the Hurricane..oF Human Actions. . . .
So Be aware.. life is a victim.. . .
and we are .. guilty(w). . .

Monday, May 7, 2007

The main causes of Global Warming..

Causes of Global warming:

Green House effect:

  • Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants :
    Coal emits around 1.7 times as much carbon per unit of energy when burned as does natural gas and 1.25 times as much as oil. Natural gas gives off 50% of the carbon dioxide, the “principal greenhouse gas”, released by coal and 25% less carbon dioxide than oil, for the same amount of energy produced. Coal contains about 80 % more carbon per unit of energy than gas does, and oil contains about 40 percent more. For the typical U.S. household, a metric ton of carbon equals about 10,000 miles of driving at 25 miles per gallon of gasoline or about one year of home heating using a natural gas-fired furnace or about four months of electricity from coal-fired generation.

    Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars :

  • Vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to global warming. For example for each gallon of gas a vehicle consumes, 19.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted into the air. Sports utility vehicles were built for rough terrain, off road driving in mountains and deserts. When they are used for city driving, they are so much overkill to the environment.

    Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes:

  • The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that aviation causes 3.5 percent of global warming, and that the figure could rise to 15 percent by 2050.
    Carbon Dioxide from Buildings. Buildings structure account for about 12% of carbon dioxide emissions.

other Gases:


  • While carbon dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas, methane is second most important. According to the IPCC, Methane is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Levels of atmospheric methane have risen 145% in the last 100 years. Methane is derived from sources such as rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel production.

    Nitrous oxide:

  • another greenhouse gas is Nitrous oxide (N2O). Nitrous oxide is naturally produced by oceans and rainforests. Man-made sources of nitrous oxide include nylon and nitric acid production, the use of fertilizers in agriculture, cars with catalytic converters and the burning of organic matter. Nitrous oxide is broken down in the atmosphere by chemical reactions that involve sunlight.

  • Deforestation:
    deforestation is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation is responsible for 25% of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of about 34 million acres of trees each year. The destroying of tropical forests alone is throwing hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. We are also losing temperate forests. The temperate forests of the world account for an absorption rate of 2 billion tons of carbon annually.

  • City Gridlock:
    Cities are tolerating gridlock. In 1996 according to an annual study by traffic engineers from Texas A and M University, it was found that drivers in Los Angeles and New York City alone wasted 600 million gallons of gas annually while just sitting in traffic. The 600 million gallons of gas translates to about 7.5 million tons of carbon dioxide in just those two cities.

  • Carbon in Atmosphere and Ocean:
    The atmosphere contains about 750 billion tons of carbon, while 800 billion tons are dissolved in the surface layers of the world's oceans.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Done..By our own Hands(w).. . .

is it worth it .. . .

To change Life as we know it ... anD affect humanity ..

What is Global Warming ?

What is Global Warming ?

Wikipedia says:

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.
Global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose during the past century. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes, "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes have probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950, but a cooling effect since 1950. The basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.


Based on "Stop Global Warming organsition":

The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat — hence the name ‘global warming.’
The reason we exist on this planet is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to keep the temperature within a very narrow range - this creates the conditions that give us breathable air, clean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. Human beings have begun to tip that balance. We've overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our cars and factories and power plants. If we don't start fixing the problem now, we’re in for devastating changes to our environment. We will experience extreme temperatures, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destructive fury. Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of climate change have become more and more commonplace.

so, simply:

Global warming is the increase of the temperature of planet earth. The green house effect is letting the heat in and preventing it from getting away from the planet. This causes ice to melt leading to an increase in earth's water level (everything will eventually melt or drawn).
The atmosphere of the earth itself is doing the same thing towards the heat absorbed from the sun. Which means that the heat the earth absorbs stays around and can’t be get rid of.
Many factors contributed in making the atmospheric shell as reflective as it is. One of the main reasons is the Co2 emissions that are launched by human activities and late technologies.
The results would be total destruction of the plant life. With time the climate would start to change creating disasters killing the plant life on earth slowly then to affecting the animal life also (including humans).

Good luck every body..

Am Out ..

The ultimate goal..

This blog is a dedication to the new film of AlGore “Inconvenient truth”. The movie discusses one of the world today’s phenomena the global warming.

The global warming is a simple phrase that indicates its simple meaning. Yes, the world is getting warmer and warmer. Warm enough that the ice at the poles is melting. Warm enough that the wildlife in such areas has no place to live in anymore because simply everything is melting away.

“The world is changing” is a phrase that we might hear a lot. This time it is true. Hot places are becoming hotter and life is becoming harder and harder with its heat increasing. The tops of mountains, which we are used to see covered with ice, giving this feeling of beauty, have simply gone. All that you see are rocks and glimpse of what used to be ice. Water level is increasing and pieces of land are disappearing with time. Shores and cities which were on the shore have been “swallowed" partially by the sea or the ocean.

What would be the end.. When would be an end !? ..